Jackie Wahrmund

Last Revised: Oct 16th, 2023
Professional Biography
2016-present Lecturer of Animal Science & Equine Science and Management
University of Kentucky, Department of Animal and Food Sciences
2012-2015 Assistant Professor, Animal Science Program Coordinator
Texas A&M University-Commerce, School of Agriculture
2008-2011 Graduate Research Assistant
Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal Science
Refereed Journal Articles:
Bloomberg, B. D., G. G. Mafi, B. J. Pye, J. L. Wahrmund, C. J. Richards, J. B. Morgan, and D. L. VanOverbeke. 2013. Impact of health management, health treatments, and zilpaterol hydrochloride supplementation on carcass quality, color, and palatability traits in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3465-3473.
Wahrmund, J. L., D. B. Burken, B. K. Wilson, S. J. Terrill, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, S. M. Trost, and C. J. Richards. 2012. Impact of truck compartment on ruminal temperature during transit and subsequent health and performance of recently weaned beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:670-677.
Wahrmund, J. L., J. R. Ronchesel, C. R. Krehbiel, C. L. Goad, S. M. Trost, and C. J. Richards. 2012. Ruminal acidosis challenge impact on ruminal temperature in feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2794-2801.
Burken, D. B., R. B. Hicks, D. L. VanOverbeke, G. G. Hilton, J. L. Wahrmund, B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, P. K. Camfield, and C. J. Richards. 2012. Vitamin E supplementation in beef finishing diets containing 35% wet distillers grains with solubles: Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1349-1355.
Wahrmund, J. L., M. J. Hersom, T. A. Thrift, and J. V. Yelich. 2011. Case study: Utilization of dried distillers grains and(or) soybean hulls to background beef calves fed bahiagrass hay. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:365-374.
Fulton, R. W., D. L. Step, J. Wahrmund, L. J. Burge, M. E. Payton, B. J. Cook, D. Burken, A. W. Confer. 2011. Bovine coronavirus infections in transported comingled beef cattle and sole source ranch calves. Can. J. Vet. Res. 75:191-199.
Hersom, M., and J. Wahrmund. 2008. Backgrounding calves on co-products. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Beef Cattle Short Course, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Abstracts of Papers Presented at Regional, National, and International Scientific Meetings:
Williams, R. L., E. Fortenberry, M. Salem, J.Wahrmund, and C. Holtzman. 2016. A SWOT analysis of the Agriculture Courses for Dual Credit initiative. NACTA Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Wahrmund, J.L. 2016. Student performance in animal nutrition and feeds and feeding based on prior enrollment in chemistry and nutrition courses. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Bankole, T., J. Lopez, R. Bakhtavorian, and J. Wahrmund. 2016. Empirical analysis of the relationship between feeder cattle cash price and futures price in Northeast Texas. Southern Agricultural Economics Association 48th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX.
Green, B. L. and J. L. Wahrmund. 2016. Impact of hydration supplements on blood electrolyte concentrations of exercised horses during the summer. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Wahrmund, J. L. 2015. Teaching Animals and Society: Introducing animal science to non-majors. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Green, B. L. and J. L. Wahrmund. 2015. Impact of hydration supplements on vital signs of exercised horses during the summer. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Wahrmund, J. L. 2014. Teaching companion animal management: Perspective from a livestock nutritionist. ASAS National Meeting, Kansas City, KS. J. Anim. Sci. 92(E-Suppl 2): 388.
Graham, H. N., J. L. Wahrmund, M. E. Gordon, K. R. Vineyard, K. L. Dowdle, and L. L. Walton. 2014. Effect of Hydration Hay™ on blood metabolites, packed cell volume, and vital signs of horses transported long distances during summer conditions. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Huff, H. M., J. L. Wahrmund, H. N. Graham, M. E. Gordon, K. R. Vineyard, and K. L. Dowdle. 2014. Effect of Hydration Hay™ on water intake, blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ratio and vital signs of horses transported long distances during the summer. ASAS Southern Section Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Wahrmund, J. L. and A. J. Cooper. 2013. Developing an undergraduate animal science beef cattle industry tour course to facilitate experiential learning. ASAS National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. J. Anim. Sci. 91(E-Suppl 2):421-422.
Wahrmund, J. L., D. B. Burken, B. K. Wilson, S. J. Terrill, C. R. Krehbiel, D. L. Step, S. M. Trost, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2011. Finishing performance and carcass traits of heifers previously managed with three respiratory disease protocols. ASAS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl 1):159-160.
Christensen, D. L., J. L. Wahrmund, A. K. Sexten, C. L. Goad, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2011. Acidosis challenge effects on ruminal pH and temperature in beef cattle. ASAS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl 1): 504.
Maxwell, C. L., B. K. Wilson, B. T. Johnson, D. L. Christensen, J. J. Wagner, J. L. Wahrmund, C. J. Richards, D. L. Step, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2011. Effects of castration method and antibiotic administration protocol on health and performance of high-risk calves. Page 100 in The 2011 Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Wilson, B. K., C. L. Maxwell, D. B. Burken, D. L. Step, B. T. Johnson, J. J. Wagner, J. L. Wahrmund, D. L. Christensen, C. J. Richards, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2011. Effects of castration methods on health and performance of “high-risk” commingled calves purchased from livestock markets in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri. Page 119 in The 2011 Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Wahrmund, J. L., D. B. Burken, B. K. Wilson, S. J. Terrill, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2010. Newly received feedlot heifers managed with three respiratory disease protocols. ASAS National Meeting, Denver, CO. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl 2):738.
Wahrmund, J. L., D. B. Burken, B. K. Wilson, S. J. Terrill, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2010. Bovine Respiratory Disease identification in newly received feedlot cattle using remote ruminal temperature monitoring: Performance, health, and carcass characteristics. Page 124 in The 2010 Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Wahrmund, J. L., J. R. Ronchesel, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2010. Ruminal and rectal temperatures during acidosis challenge in beef cattle. ASAS National Meeting, Denver, CO. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl 2):573.
Burken, D. B., K. G. Hanger, R. B. Hicks, D. L. VanOverbeke, J. L. Wahrmund, B. P. Holland, J. J. Martin, P. K. Camfield, and C. J. Richards. 2010. Supplemental vitamin E concentration in beef finishing diets containing wet distillers grains with solubles: Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. ASAS National Meeting, Denver, CO. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl 2):702.
Burken, D. B., J. L. Wahrmund, B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2010. Two ration blending vs. traditional step-up adaptation to finishing diets: performance and carcass characteristics. Page 99 in The 2010 Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Fulton, R. W., J. M. d’Offay, L. J. Burge, R. Eberle, K. McCormack, D. L. Step, J. Wahrmund, and B. Holland. 2010. Bovine herpesvirus-1: Molecular studies of isolates from clinical cases characterizing field isolates and vaccine strains. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Fulton, R. W., D.L. Step, J. L. Wahrmund; L.J. Burge, R. Eberle, and J.M. d’Offay, A. W. Confer, B. Cook, D. Burken, and M. Payton. 2010. Bovine coronavirus infections in transported commingled beef cattle and sole source ranch cattle. American Association of Bovine Practitioners and Academy of Veterinary Consultants National Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Wahrmund, J. L., B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Zilpaterol hydrochloride impact on core body temperature, performance, and carcass characteristics of finishing steers. ASAS National Meeting, Montreal, Canada. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl 2):293.
Wahrmund, J. L., B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Performance, carcass traits, and core body temperature of finishing beef cattle offered zilpaterol hydrochloride. Page 107 in The 2009 Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Wahrmund, J. L. and M. J. Hersom. 2007. Evaluation of dried distillers grains or soybean hulls with and without Optigen II® to background beef calves. ASAS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl 1):410.
Wahrmund, J. L. and M. J. Hersom. 2007. Evaluation of dried distillers grains or soybean hulls to background beef calves. ASAS National Meeting, San Antonio, TX. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl 1):410.
Wahrmund, J., D. de Araujo, M. Hersom, and J. Arthington. 2007. Evaluation of Optigen II® as a source or rumen degradable protein for mature beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl 2):28.
Wahrmund, J. and M. Hersom. 2007. Evaluation of Optigen® II addition to by-product supplements for forage-fed beef cattle. p. 59. Abstracts of Posters Presented at Alltech’s 23rd Annual Symposium, Lexington, KY.
Research Reports of the Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Sciences and the University of Florida Department of Animal Sciences:
Wahrmund, J. L., B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Zilpaterol hydrochloride impact on core body temperature, performance, and carcass characteristics in finishing beef steers.
Wahrmund, J. and M. Hersom. 2009. Co-product and rumen degradable protein supplementation of beef steers fed bahiagrass forage. 2009 Florida Beef Report, University of Florida.
Wahrmund, J. and M. Hersom. 2009. Dried distillers grains and(or) soybean hulls to background beef calves fed bahiagrass forage. 2009 Florida Beef Report, University of Florida.
Wahrmund, J., D. Araujo, M. Hersom, and J. Arthington. 2007. Evaluation of Optigen II® as a source of rumen degradable protein for mature beef cows. 2007 Florida Beef Report, University of Florida.
Wahrmund, J., M. Hersom, and O. Rae. 2007. Evaluation of Sel-Plex™ as a source of selenium for gestating and lactating beef cows. 2007 Florida Beef Report, University of Florida.