Contact Information

Scott Radcliffe
Department Chair

900 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

+1 (859) 257-2686

Jeffrey Lehmkuhler

Jeffrey Lehmkuhler

Jeffrey Lehmkuhler

Jeffrey Lehmkuhler


Extension Faculty
810 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

Last Revised: Feb 17th, 2025

Professional Biography

Positions Held

1994. Undergraduate research assistant and laboratory manager of ruminant nutrition lab
Purdue University
(Dr. Mike Cecava, faculty supervisor) 

1995-1996. Undergraduate research assistant
Purdue University
(Dr. Mike Neary, faculty supervisor)

1996-2001 Graduate Research Assistant
Division of Animal Sciences
University of Missouri, Columbia

2001-2008 Assistant Professor
Department of Animal Sciences
University of Wisconsin, Madison (80% Extension, 20% Research)

2008-Current Assistant Professor
Department of Food and Animal Sciences
University of Kentucky, Lexington (100% Extension)


Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin, Darrh Bullock, Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold.  2024.  ASC-270: Overview of the Mineral Nutrition of Yaks

Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Ben Crites, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2024.  ASC-263 Converting from Year-round to Controlled Calving

Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2024.  ASC-264 Artificial Insemination in Beef Cattle

David Harmon, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2024.  ASC-261 Going Green: Ten Fundamentals of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Beef Systems

Michelle Arnold, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2023.  ASC-258 Minerals Matter for Beef Cattle

Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Mary McCarty, Katherine VanValin.  2023.  ASC-259 Reproduction in Female Yaks

Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Mary McCarty, Katherine VanValin.  2023.  ASC-260 Controlling Reproduction in Female Yaks

Donna Amaral-Phillips, Chad Lee, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Nick Roy.  2023.  ID-275 Practical Corn Silage Harvest and Storage Guide for Cattle Producers

Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Ted Kalbfleisch, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Mary McCarty.  2023.  ID-273 Match-a-Yak: a Tool to Minimize Inbreeding in North American Yaks

Les Anderson, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Mary McCarty.  2023.  ASC-255 A Guide to Body Condition Scoring Yaks

Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Megan Romano, Ray Smith.  2022.  ID-217 Forage-Related Disorders in Cattle: Nitrate Poisoning

Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2022.  ASC-249: Reading the Fine Print: Understanding Mineral Tags

Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2022.  ASC-248: Vitamin Supplementation for Beef Cattle

Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin.  2021.  ASC-245: Feeding Soybeans to Beef Cattle

Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold, Darrh Bullock, Kenny Burdine, Roy Burris, Ben Crites, Jimmy Henning, Steve Higgins, Steve Isaacs, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Lee Moser, Gregg Rentfrow, Kylie Schmidt, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch, Lee Townsend, Katherine VanValin, Paul Vijayakumar.  2021.  ID-108: The Kentucky Beef Book, 2021

Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Donna Amaral-Phillips, Chad Lee, Greg Halich.  2020.  ID-264 Feeding Corn Silage to Beef Cattle

Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Kevin Laurent, Darrh Bullock, Les Anderson, Darrell Johnson.  2020.  ID-263 Alternative Protein Sources for Cattle

Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kevin Laurent.  2020.  ASC-244 Feeding Distillery Stillage to Beef Cattle

Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold, Darrh Bullock, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2019.  ID-258 Weaning Beef Calves

Steve Higgins, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Sarah Wightman.  2019.  ID-188 Strategic Winter Feeding of Cattle using a Rotational Grazing Structure

Roy Burris, Bob Coleman, Jimmy Henning, Garry Lacefield, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Ray Smith.  2016.  ID-143 Rotational Grazing

Greg Halich, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Lee Meyer, Gregg Rentfrow, Ray Smith.  2016.  ID-224 Producer's Guide to Pasture-Based Beef Finishing

Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler ID-231 Forage-Related Cattle Disorders: Acute or Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia (AIP)

Donna Amaral-Phillips, Roy Burris, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2014.  ASC-215 Mineral and Protein Blocks and Tubs for Cattle

Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2014.  ID-226 Forage-Related Cattle Disorders: Hypomagnesemic Tetany or "Grass Tetany"

Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2014.  ID-223 Forage-Related Cattle Disorders: Brassicas--Be Aware of the Animal Health Risks

Michelle Arnold, Cynthia Gaskill, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Ray Smith.  2014.  ID-217 Forage-Related Disorders in Cattle: Nitrate Poisoning

Glen Aiken, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, J.R. Bussard, Andrew Foote, Ben Goff, David Harmon, V.B. Holder, Isabelle Kagan, Nicole Kenney, D.H. Kim, S.E. Kitts, Jim Klotz, Anne Koontz, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Kyle McLeod, Jim Strickland, Eric Vanzant, Bill Witt.  2014.  SR-105 2012 Beef Research and Extension Report

Kenny Burdine, Greg Halich, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Cory Walters.  2013.  ID-205 Drought-Stressed Corn Silage Valuation, 2012

Michelle Arnold, John Johns, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Patty Scharko.  2012.  ID-135 Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis ("Pinkeye") in Cattle

Roy Burris, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2011.  ASC-186 Distillers Grain Coproducts for Beef Cattle

Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, Blair Knight, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Lori Porter, Jim Randolph, Gregg Rentfrow, Keith Schillo, Meg Steinman, Jim Strickland, Laurentia van Rensburg, Eric Vanzant.  2011.  SR-104 2010 Research and Extension Beef Report

Michelle Arnold, Roy Burris, David Ditsch, Garry Lacefield, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2011.  ID-186 Managing Legume Induced Bloat in Cattle

Roy Burris, Jeff Lehmkuhler.  2010.  ASC-25 Growth Promoting Implants for Beef Cattle

Papers Published in, or Accepted by, Refereed Journals

Lehmkuhler, J.W., M.S. Kerley, H.E. Garrett, B.E. Cutter, and R.L. McGraw,.  1998-1999.  Comparison of continuous and rotational silvopastoral systems for established walnut plantations in southwest Missouri, USA.  Agroforestry Systems. 44(2-3):  267-279.

Fu, C.J., E.E.D. Felton, J.W. Lehmkuhler, and M.S. Kerley.  2001.  Ruminal peptide concentration required to optimize microbial growth and efficiency.  J. Anim. Sci.  79:1305-1312.

Lehmkuhler, J.W., E.E.D. Felton, D.A. Schmidt, K.J. Bader, H.E. Garrett, and M.S. Kerley.  2003.  Tree protection methods during the silvopastoral-system establishment in midwestern USA: Cattle performance and tree damage.  Agroforestry Systems: 59:35-42.

Fu C.J., J.H. Porter, E.E. Felton, J.W. Lehmkuhler, and M.S. Kerley.  2003.  Pre-harvest factors influencing the acid resistance of Escherichia coli and E. coli O157:H7.  J Anim Sci. 81(4):1080-7.

Lehmkuhler, J.W. and M.S. Kerly.  2007.  Bloodmeal and fishmeal as a source to increase the amino acid to energy ratio in steer receiving diets.  Prof. Anim. Sci. 23:253-259.

Lehmkuhler, J.W., M.H. Ramos, and K.A. Albrecht.  2007.  Cupplant silage as a replacement for corn silage in beef cattle diets.  Online.  Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-1107-01-RS.

Brokman, A.M. and J.W. Lehmkuhler.  2007.  Increasing dietary phosphorus level for finishing yearling Holstein steers.  Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 21: 220-224.

Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, and D.J. Undersander.  2008.  Reducing phosphorus inputs for grazing Holstein steers.  J. Anim. Sci. 86:712-719.

Lehmkuhler, J.W. and M.H. Ramos.  2008.  Comparison of dairy beef genetics and dietary roughage levels.  J. Dairy. Sci. 91:2523-2531.

Invited Published Papers

Lehmkuhler, J.W. 2002.  Mineral and vitamin supplementation of the cow-calf herd.  Proc. VI. Course on New Approaches in the Production and Reproduction of Bovine, Brazil.  pp.135-142.

Lehmkuhler, J.W. 2002.  Strategies to decrease slaughter age.  Proc. VI. Course on New Approaches in the Production and Reproduction of Bovine, Brazil.  pp.127-134.

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2005.  Grazing Holstein steers:  An alternative to the calf-fed model.  Proc. Managing and Marketing Quality Holstein Steers, Rochester, MN.  pp.185-197.

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2006.  Livestock performance and general considerations for cattle management in temperate silvopastoral systems.  Proc. Of the 60th Southern Pasture & Forage Crop Improvement Conference.  Auburn, AL.

Abstracts submitted to scientific meetings (2005 to present)

Lehmkuhler, J.W., W.R. Burris, S.R. Smith, Jr., G. Halich, K. Burdine, M. Arnold, S.F. Higgins, A. Gumbert, and K. Laurent.  2014.  The Kentucky master stocker program. Journal of Animal Science. 92 (abstr. 290).

Stewart, L., J.W. Lehmkuhler, M.H. Poore, J.D. Arthington, and D.L. Rankins.  2014.  Beef programming across state lines: SERA 41 webinars.  Journal of Animal Science. 92 (abstr.24).

Brokman, A.M., J.W. Lehmkuhler, and D.J. Undersander.  2005.  Supplemental phosphorus removal for grazing Holstein steer.  ASAS Midwestern Sectional (abstr. 248).

Lehmkuhler, J.W., A.E. Crooks, and D.J. Undersander.  2005.  Supplementation of grazing Holstein steers with dried distillers grains in combination with monensin.  J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2): 244(abstr.).

Lehmkuhler, J.W., M. Ramos, S.C. Arp, and J.R. Claus.  2006.  Comparison of Holstein, Jersey and Crossbred Twinner Steers.  J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl 2): 316 (abstr.).

Ramos, M.H., J.W. Lehmkuhler, S.C. Arp, and K.A. Albrecht.  2006.  Investigating Silphium perfoliatum  (cupplant) silage for growing cattle.  J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl 1): 304 (abstr.).

Lehmkuhler, J.W. and M. Ramos.  2007.  Response of yearling Holstein steers to ractopamine hydrochloride.  J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 2): 136(abstr.).

Extension Articles (2007 – present)

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2007.  Using heritability to your advantage. 
Viewed at: [].

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2007.  AI breed your cows on your schedule. 
Viewed at: [].

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2007.  Feed additive improves production efficiency. 
Viewed at: [].

Lehmkuhler, J.W. 2007.  Utilizing barley in beef cattle diets. 
Viewed at: [ barley.pdf].

Lehmkuhler, J.W.  2007.  Limit feeding hay to stretch short hay supplies. 
Viewed at: [ Limit feed hay.pdf].

Lehmkuhler, J. and T. Cox.  2007.  Forage-based beef production in the bio-energy era. 
Forage Focus.  Forage First, Midwest Forage Association. pg. 10-11.

Lehmkuhler, J. and K. Albrecht.  2008.  Value of Maintaining Legumes in Stands Increasing.  Forage Focus.  Forage First, Midwest Forage Association. pg. 4-5.

Lehmkuhler, J.  2008.  Introduction to Nutrition(ist) of Fractionated Distillers. 
July 2008 edition of Off the Hoof

International Invited Presentations

Mineral and Vitamin Supplementation of the Cow-calf Herd.  2002.  Uberlandia, Brazil.

Strategies to Decrease Slaughter Age.  2002.  Uberlandia, Brazil.

2008 World South Devon Congress:  Gaining the interest of an industry?.  July 14, 2008.  Kananaskis, Canada.


Ph.D., Philosophy, University of Missouri, 2001
M.S., University of Missouri, 1999
B.S., Purdue University, 1996

Contact Information

Scott Radcliffe
Department Chair

900 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

+1 (859) 257-2686