Katherine VanValin

Last Revised: Feb 17th, 2025
Professional Biography
Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin, Darrh Bullock, Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold. 2024. ASC-270: Overview of the Mineral Nutrition of Yaks
Chris Teutsch, Katie VanValin, Ray Smith, and Jimmy Henning. 2021. Utilizing Drought-stressed Soybeans for Forage
Chris Teutsch, Carrie Knott, Katie VanValin. 2020. ID-262 Considerations for Utilizing Frozen Small Grains for Forage
Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Donna Amaral-Phillips, Chad Lee, Greg Halich. 2020. ID-264 Feeding Corn Silage to Beef Cattle
Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Kevin Laurent, Darrh Bullock, Les Anderson, Darrell Johnson. 2020. ID-263 Alternative Protein Sources for Cattle
Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Kevin Laurent. 2020. ASC-244 Feeding Distillery Stillage to Beef Cattle
Jackson, T. D., R. N. Carmichael, E. L. Deters, E. M. Messersmith, K. R. VanValin, D. D. Loy, S. L. Hanen. (2020). Comparison of multiple single-use, pulse-dose trace mineral products provided as injectable, oral drench, oral paste, or bolus on circulating and liver trace mineral concentrations of beef steers. Applied Animal Science 36, 26-35.
Carmichael, R. N., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, E. L. Deters, T. D. Jackson, E. M. Messersmith, K. R.VanValin, and S. L. Hansen. (2019). The influence of supplemental zinc and dietary fiber concentration on mineral retention of beef steers. Translational Animal Science 3.
VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, S. B. Laudert, and S. L. Hansen. (2019). Relative bioavailability of organic and hydroxy copper sources in growing steers fed a high antagonist diet. Journal of Animal Science 97, 1375-1383.
VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, R. N. Carmichael, C. P. Blank, E. L. Deters, S. J. Hartman, E. K. Niedermayer, S. B. Laudert, and S. L. Hansen. (2018). Influence of dietary zinc concentration and supplemental zinc source on nutrient digestibility, zinc absorption, and retention in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 96, 5336-5344.
VanValin, K. R., and S. L. Hansen. (2019). Supplemental copper concentration and feed restriction influence plasma metabolome of growing beef steers. Journal of Animal Science, (in press).
Jackson, T. D., R. C. Carmichael, E. L. Deters, E. M. Messersmith, K. R. VanValin, and S. L. Hansen. (2019). Comparison of multiple trace mineral products provided to beef cattle as injectable, oral drench, oral paste, or bolus. Journal of Animal Science, (in press).
VanValin, K. R., and S. L. Hansen. (2018). Building a community of learners: strategies to enhance student engagement and learning. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.
VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder O. N., Carmichael R. N., Blank C. P., Deters E. L., Hartman S. J., Niedermayer E. K., and Hansen S. L. (2018). Evaluation of nutrient digestibility, apparent absorption and retention of zinc in lambs supplemented with zinc from zinc hydroxychloride, zinc sulfate or zinc methionine. Journal of Animal Science, 96 (supplement 3).
VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, R. N. Carmichael, C. P. Blank, E. L. Deters, S. J. Hartman, E. K. Niedermayer, and S. L. Hansen. (2018). Apparent absorption, zinc retention, and nutrient digestibility in lambs during an adrenocorticotropic hormone challenge. Journal of Animal Science, 96 (supplement 3).
Carmichael, R. N., Genther-Schroeder O. N., Deters E. L., Jackson T., Messersmith E. M., VanValin K. R., and Hansen S. L. (2018). The influence of supplemental zinc and dietary energy level on mineral retention of beef steers. Journal of Animal Science, 96 (supplement 3).
Chen, Y., Zhu, H., McCauley, S. R., Oliver, K. R., Tinnesz, K. A., and El-Kadi, S. W. (2016). Dysfunction of Insulin-like Growth Factor Signaling in Skeletal Muscles of Low Birth Weight Neonatal Pigs. The FASEB Journal, 30 (Supplement 1), 287-4.
Chen, Y., McCauley, S. R., Oliver, K. R., Rhoads, R. P., and El-Kadi, S. W. (2016). 1737 Effects of dietary energy on muscle growth of low birth weight neonatal pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 94 (supplement 5), 846-846.
Dietary Protein Supplementation Enhances the Growth of Low Birth Weight Calves, 2015 Poster Presentation at the Animal and Poultry Science department research symposium, Blacksburg, VA
American Society of Animal Science
Member, 2017-Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, 2017-Present
Association of Graduate Animal Scientists- Iowa State University
Member, 2016 - 2019
Treasurer, 2018-2019