Phillip Bridges

Last Revised: Oct 16th, 2023
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
2017-Present Associate Professor
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
2011-2017Assistant Professor
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
2008-2011 Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical Sciences
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
2006 to 2008 Research Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
2004 to 2005 Research Associate
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
2000 to 2003 Postdoctoral Associate/Fellow
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Cerny, K.L., M. Rhoads, L.H. Anderson, W.R. Burris, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2016. Form of supplemental selenium fed to cycling cows affects systemic concentrations of progesterone, but not estradiol. Theriogenology. 85:800-806.
Cerny, K.L., R.A.C. Ribeiro, M. Jeoung , C. Ko and P.J. Bridges. 2016. Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1)-dependent regulation of the mouse oviductal transcriptome. PLoS One. 11(1):e0147685.
Cerny, K.L., S. Garbacik, C. Skees, W.R. Burris, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2016. Gestational form of selenium in free-choice mineral mixes affects transcriptome profiles of the neonatal calf testis, including those of steroidogenic and spermatogenic pathways. Biological Trace Element Research. 169:56-68.
Cerny, K.L., M. Van Fleet, A. Slepenkin, E.M. Peterson and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Differential expression of mRNA encoding cytokines and chemokines in the reproductive tract after infection of mice with Chlamydia trachomatis. Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders. 4(3). doi:10.4172/2161-038X.1000152
Miles, E.D., B.W. McBride, Y. Yang, S.F. Liao, J.A. Boling, P.J. Bridges and J.C. Matthews. 2015. Glutamine synthetase and alanine transaminase expression are decreased in livers of aged vs. young beef cows and GS can be up-regulated by 17-estradiol implants. Journal of Animal Science. 93:4500-4509.
Cerny, K.L., E. Garrett, A.J. Walton, L.H. Anderson and P.J. Bridges. 2015. A transcriptomal analysis of bovine oviductal epithelial cells during the follicular phase versus the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 13:84. DOI 10.1186/s12958-015-0077-1
Matthews, J.C., Z. Zhang, J.D. Patterson, P.J. Bridges, A.J. Stromberg and J.A. Boling. 2014. Hepatic transcriptome profiles differ among maturing beef heifers supplemented with inorganic, organic, or mixed (50% Inorganic:50% Organic) forms of dietary selenium. Biological Trace Element Research. 160:321-329.
Matthews, J.C. and P.J. Bridges. 2014. NutriPhysioGenomics applications to identify adaptations of cattle to consumption of ergot alkaloids and inorganic versus organic forms of selenium: altered nutritional, physiological and health states? Animal Production Science. 54:1594-1604.
Ko, C., R. Meidan and P.J. Bridges. 2012. Why two endothelins and two receptors for ovulation and luteal regression? Life Sciences. 91:501-506.
Bridges, P.J., M. Jeoung, S. Shim, J. Park, J. Lee, L.A. Sapsford, K. Trudgen, C. Ko, M.C. Gye and M. Jo. 2012. Hematopoetic prostaglandin D synthase: an ESR1-dependent oviductal epithelial cell synthase. Endocrinology. 153:1925-1935.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, M. Jeoung, J. Arreguin-Arevalo, T.M. Nett, R.C. Vann, S.P. Ford, A.W. Lewis, D.A. Neuendorff, T.A. Welsh, R.D. Randel and C.W. Weems. 2012. In vivo intra-luteal implants of prostaglandin (PG) E1 or E2 (PGE1, PGE2) prevent luteolysis in cows. II. mRNA for PGF2, EP1, EP2, EP3(A-D), EP3A, EP3B, EP3C, EP3D, and EP4 prostanoid receptors in luteal tissue. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. 97:60-65.
Oakley, O., P. Lin, P. Bridges, and C. Ko. 2011. Animal models for the study of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 26:193-202.
Bridges, P.J., M. Jeoung, H. Kim, J.H. Kim, D.R. Lee, C. Ko and D. Baker. 2011. Methodology matters: IVF versus ICSI and embryonic gene expression. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 23:234-244.
Weems, Y.S., J. Arreguin-Arevalo, R.C. Vann, T.M. Nett, S.P. Ford, P.J. Bridges, A.W. Lewis, D.A. Neuendorff, T.A. Welsh, R.D. Randel and C.W. Weems. 2011. In vivo intra-luteal implants of prostaglandin (PG) E1 or E2 (PGE1, PGE2) prevent luteolysis in cows. I. Luteal weights, circulating progesterone, mRNA for luteal luteinizing hormone (LH) receptor, and occupied and unoccupied luteal receptors for LH. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. 95:35-44.
Jeoung, M. and P.J. Bridges. 2011. Cyclic regulation of apoptotic gene expression in the mouse oviduct. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 23:638-644.
Choi, D., E.K. Kim, K-H. Kim, K-A. Lee, D-W, Kang, Y. Kim, P. Bridges and C. Ko. 2011. Expression pattern of endothelin system components and localization of smooth muscle cells in the human preovulatory follicle. Human Reproduction. 26(5):1171-1180.
Bridges, P.J., J. Cho and C. Ko. 2011. Endothelins in regulating ovarian and oviductal function. Frontiers in Bioscience. S3:145-155.
Jeoung, M., S. Lee, H. Hawng, Y.P. Cheon, Y.K. Jeong, M.C. Gye, M. Iglarz, C. Ko and P.J. Bridges. 2010. Identification of a novel role for endothelins within the oviduct. Endocrinology. 151:2858-2867.
Bridges, P.J., M. Jo, L. Al Alem, G. Na, W. Su, M.C. Gong, M. Jeoung and C. Ko. 2010. Production and binding of endothelin-2 (EDN2) in the rat ovary: Endothelin receptor subtype A (EDNRA) mediated contraction. Reproduction, Fertility and Development. 22:780-787.
Kim, B.G., M.D. Lindemann, P.J. Bridges and C. Ko. 2009. GEPRO: Gene expression profiler for microarray data. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias. 22:12-18.
Fortune, J.E., E.L. Willis, P.J. Bridges and C.S. Yang. 2009. The periovulatory period in cattle: progesterone, prostaglandins, oxytocin and ADAMTS proteases. Animal Reproduction. 6:60-71. 2009.
Bridges, P.J., Y. Koo, D-W. Kang, S. Hudgins-Spivey, Z-J. Lan, X. Xu, F. DeMayo, A. Cooney and C. Ko. 2008. Generation of Cyp17iCre transgenic mice and their application to conditionally delete estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1) from the ovary and testis. Genesis. 46:499-505.
Na, G., P.J. Bridges, Y. Koo and C. Ko. 2008. Role of hypoxia in the regulation of periovulatory EDN2 expression in the mouse. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 86:310-319.
Ko, C., M.C. Gieske, S. Hudgins-Spivey, P.J. Bridges and S. Lee. 2007. Estrogen in female reproductive axis: Positive estrogen feedback to pituitary. Korean J. Reprod. Med. 34:207-213.
Al-Alem, L., P.J. Bridges, W. Su, M.C. Gong, M. Iglarz and C. Ko. 2007. Endothelin-2 (EDN2) induces oviductal contraction via endothelin receptor subtype A in rats. J. Endocrinology. 193:383-391.
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2007. Regulation, action and transport of prostaglandins during the periovulatory period in cattle. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 263:1-7.
Bridges, P.J., C.K. Komar and J.E. Fortune. 2006. Gonadotropin-induced expression of mRNA for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and production of prostaglandins E and F2a in bovine preovulatory follicles is regulated by the progesterone receptor. Endocrinology. 147:4713-4722.
Bridges, P.J., M.A. Brusie and J.E. Fortune. 2005. Elevated temperature (heat stress) in vitro reduces androstenedione and estradiol and increases progesterone secretion by follicular cells from bovine dominant follicles. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 29:508-522.
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2003. Characteristics of developing prolonged dominant follicles in cattle. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 25:199-214.
Madan, P., P.J. Bridges, C.M. Komar, A.G. Beristain, R. Rajamahendran, J.E. Fortune and C.D. MacCalman. 2003. Expression of messenger RNA for ADAMTS subtypes changes in the periovulatory follicle after the gonadotropin surge and during luteal development and regression in cattle. Biol. Reprod. 69:1506-1514.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, R.G. Sasser, L. Ching, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 2002. Effect of mifepristone on pregnancy, pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB), progesterone, estradiol-17b, prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) and prostaglandin E (PGE) in ovariectomized 90-day pregnant ewes. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 70:195-208.
Kim, L., Y.S. Weems, P.J. Bridges, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 2001. Effects of indomethacin, luteinizing hormone (LH), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), trilostane, mifepristone, ethamoxytriphetol (MER-25) on secretion of prostaglandin E (PGE), prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a) and progesterone by ovine corpora lutea of pregnancy or the estrous cycle. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 63:189-203.
Knights, M., T.D. Maze, P.J. Bridges, P.E. Lewis, E.K. Inskeep. 2001. Short-term treatment with a controlled internal drug releasing (CIDR) device and FSH to induce fertile estrus and increase prolificacy in anestrous ewes. Theriogenology. 55:1181-1191.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, R.G. Sasser, B.R. LeaMaster, L. Ching and C.W. Weems. 2001. Effect of the aromatase inhibitor CGS-16949A on pregnancy and secretion of progesterone, estradiol-17b, prostaglandins E and F2a (PGE; PGF2a) and pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB), in 90-day ovariectomized pregnant ewes. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 66:77-88.
Bridges, P.J., R. Taft, P.E. Lewis, W.R. Wagner and E.K. Inskeep. 2000. Effect of the previously gravid uterine horn and postpartum interval on follicular diameter and conception rate in beef cows treated with estradiol benzoate and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2172-2176.
Bridges, P.J., D.J. Wright, W.I. Buford, N. Ahmad, H. Hernandez-Fonseca, M.L. McCormick, F.N. Schrick, R.A. Dailey, P.E. Lewis and E.K. Inskeep. 2000. Ability of induced corpora lutea to maintain pregnancy in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 78:2942-2949.
Bridges, P.J., P.E. Lewis, W.R. Wagner and E.K. Inskeep. 1999. Follicular dynamics, estrus and pregnancy after fixed time insemination in beef cows treated with intravaginal progesterone inserts and estradiol benzoate. Theriogenology. 52:573-583.
Bridges, P.J., Y.S. Weems, L.M. Kim, R.G. Sasser, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1999. Effect of PGF2a, indomethacin, tamoxifen or estradiol-17b on pregnancy, progesterone and pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB) secretion in 88-90 day pregnant sheep. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 58:113-124.
Bridges, P.J., Y.S. Weems, L.M. Kim, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1999. Effect of PGF2a, indomethacin, tamoxifen or estradiol-17b on prostaglandin E (PGE), PGF2a and estradiol-17b secretion in 88-90 day pregnant sheep. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 58:167-178.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, B.R. LeaMaster, R.G. Sasser, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1999. Secretion of progesterone, estradiol-17b, prostaglandins (PG) E (PGE), F2a (PGF2a) and pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB) by 90 day intact and ovariectomized pregnant ewes. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 58:139-148.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1999. Effect of trilostane on prostaglandins (PG) E and F2a (PGE; PGF2a), estradiol-17b, and progesterone secretion and pregnancy of 90 day ovariectomized pregnant ewes. Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators. 58:149-158.
Weems, Y.S., P.J. Bridges, Y. Tanaka, R.G. Sasser, B.R. LeaMaster, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1997. PGE1 or PGE2 not LH regulates secretion of progesterone in vitro by the 88-90 day ovine corpus luteum of pregnancy. Prostaglandins. 53:337-353.
Inskeep, E.K., P.E. Lewis, R.A. Dailey, P.J. Bridges, R.A. Taft and B.L. Sayre. 1997. Follicular and luteal factors that affect embryonic survival in the cow. Proc. 16th Ann. Conv. Am. Embryo Transfer Assn. p. 36-61.
P.J. Bridges, K.L. Cerny, M. Rhoads, L.H. Anderson, W.R. Burris and J.C. Matthews. 2015. Form of selenium in free-choice mineral mixes affects ovarian production of progesterone but not estradiol in cycling beef cows. Journal of Animal Science. In Press.
K.L. Cerny and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Intraperitoneal administration of lipopolysaccharide induces differential expression of mRNA encoding inflammatory mediators in the oviducts of mice. Journal of Animal Science. In Press.
K.L. Cerny, E. Garrett, L. Anderson and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Steroid-dependent regulation of bovine oviductal epithelial cells: a transcriptomal analysis. ASAS 2015 Southern Section Meeting. Abstract #45.
J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2014. NutriPhysioGenomics: What do they tell us about adaptation of cattle to nutritional, physiological and health challenges? Proceedings of the 2014 Joint International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores/International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology.
Cerny, K., M. Van Fleet, A. Slepenkin, E.M. Peterson and P.J. Bridges. 2013. Differential expression of mRNA encoding cytokines and chemokines in the reproductive tract after infection of mice with Chlamydia trachomatis. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 46th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, Abstract #745.
Garbacik, S., J.C. Matthews, K. Cerny and P.J. Bridges. 2013. Gestational form of supplemental selenium (Se) affects gene expression in the newborn calf testis. I. Steroidogenesis. Journal of Animal Science. Abstract W370.
Skees, C., P.J. Bridges, J. Patterson and J.C. Matthews. 2013. Gestational form of supplemental selenium (Se) affects gene expression in the newborn calf testis. II. Spermatogenesis. Journal of Animal Science. Abstract T333.
P.J. Bridges, M. Jeoung, H. Kim, J.H. Kim, D.R. Lee, C. Ko and D.J. Baker. 2011. Methodology matters: In-vitro fertilization versus intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryonic gene expression in the mouse. Special Issue, Proc. of the 44th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, In Press.
M. Jeoung, S. Shim, L. Sapsford, K. Trudgen, C. Ko, M.C. Gye and P.J. Bridges. 2011. Hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase: an ESR1-dependent synthase required for oviductal epithelial cell viability. Special Issue, Proc. of the 44th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, In Press.
H. Jang, J. Park, T.E. Curry and P.J. Bridges and M. Jo. 2011. CIPAR expression is important for progesterone production in luteinizing granulose cells. Special Issue, Proc. of the 44th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, In Press.
C. Weems, Y. Weems, S. Ford, T. Nett, P. Bridges, R. Vann, D. Neuedorff, A. Lewis, T. Welsh, Jr and R. Randel. 2011. Effects of Prostaglandin (PG) E1 or E2 (PGE1, PGE2) Intra-luteal Implants on Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 (FGF-2), and Angiopoietin 1 and 2 (ANG-1; ANG-2) Receptor: b-Actin Ratio to prevent luteolysis in cows. Special Issue, Proc. of the 44th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, In Press.
M. Jeoung and P.J. Bridges. 2010. Determination of cyclic changes in the expression of apoptotic genes in the mouse oviduct. Special Issue, Proc. of the 43th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 81.
C.W. Weems, Y.S. Weems, J.A. Arreguin-Arevalo, T.M. Nett, M.K. Jeoung, P.J. Bridges, R.C. Vann, S.P. Ford, D.A. Neuendorff, A.W. Lewis, T.H. Welsh, Jr and R.D. Randel. 2010. Prostaglandin (PG) E1 or E2 (PGE1, PGE2) Intra-luteal Implants Alters mRNA for PG Receptors and mRNA for LH receptors to prevent luteolysis in cows. Special Issue, Proc. of the 43th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 50.
M. Jeoung, S. Lee, H. Hawng, Y. Cheon, Y.K. Jeong, M.C. Gye, C. Ko and P.J. Bridges. 2009. Identification of a novel role for endothelins within the oviduct. Special Issue, Proc. of the 42th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 134.
C. Weems, Y.S. Weems, R.C. Vann, S.P. Ford, D.A. Neuendorff, A.W. Lewis, T.A. Welsh, T.M. Nett, P.J. Bridges and R.D. Randel. 2009. Prostaglandin E1 or E2 (PGE1, PGE2) luteal implants prevents luteolysis in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (2):W197
P.J. Bridges, G. Na, Y. Koo and C. Ko. 2008. Role of hypoxia in the regulation of periovulatory endothelin-2 (EDN2) expression in the mouse ovary. Special Issue, Proc. of the 41th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 195.
Ko, C., G. Na, Y., Koo and P.J. Bridges. 2007. Endothelin-2 (EDN2) in ovarian follicle rupture and oocyte transport. 10th International Conference on Endothelin, p 31.
Bridges, P.J., L. Al-Alem, W. Su, M.C. Gong and C. Ko. 2007. Endothelin-2 (EDN2) induced ovarian and oviductal constriction via endothelin receptor A (ETA) in rats. Special Issue, Proc. of the 40th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 95.
Bridges, P.J., M.C. Gieske, L. Al-Alem, Y. Hahn, W. Su, M.C. Gong, M. Iglarz, Y. Koo and C. Ko. 2006. Receptor-specific endothelin-2 induced ovarian constriction and ovulation. 1st Biennial National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE), p. 462.
Kang, D, Y. Hahn, S. Dupont, P. Chambon, R.R. Behringer, E. Lee, C.E. Payne, G. Na, P.J. Bridges and C. Ko. 2006. Fertility of oocyte-specific ERα knockout mice. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 39th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 151.
Willis, E.L., P.J. Bridges and J.E. Fortune. 2006. Role of progesterone/progesterone receptor in mediating the effects of LH on the expression of mRNA for specific ADAMTS subtypes in granulosa cells and theca interna from bovine preovulatory follicles. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 39th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p.172.
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2005. Production of prostaglandins by preovulatory follicles of cattle: Effects of progesterone and oxytocin. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 38th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 92.
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2004. Changes in expression of mRNA for receptors for E (EP2, EP3, EP4) and F (FP) series prostaglandins in bovine periovulatory follicles. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 37th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 161.
Folger, J.K., P.J. Bridges and J.E. Fortune. 2004. Heat stress in vitro affects steroid production by theca and granulosa cells from bovine preovulatory follicles. Reproduction. 31:O19.
Willis, E.L., P.J. Bridges and J.E. Fortune. 2004. The LH/FSH surge increases the expression of mRNA for ADAMTS subtypes in theca interna of bovine periovulatory follicles. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Proc. of the 37th annual meeting of the Soc. for the Study of Reproduction, p. 142.
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2003. Progesterone mediates gonadotropin-induced secretion of prostaglandins E and F2a (PGE, PGF) by follicular cells from bovine preovulatory follicles. Biol. Reprod. 68(1):213
Fortune, J.E., P.J. Bridges and M.A. Brusie. 2003. Effect of elevated temperature (heat stress) on bovine follicular steroidogenesis in vitro. Biol. Reprod. 68(1):328
Amstalden, M., D. Zieba, M.R. Garcia, P.J. Bridges, R.L. Stanko, T.H. Welsh Jr., J.E. Fortune, W.H. Hansel and G.L. Williams. 2002. Evidence against Lamprey GnRH-III as the mammalian FSH-releasing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. 80(1):807
Bridges, P.J. and J.E. Fortune. 2001. Characteristics of early prolonged dominant follicles in cattle. Biol. Reprod. 64(1):124
Bridges, P.J., D.J. Wright, W.I. Buford, N. Ahmad, H. Hernandez-Fonseca, M.L. McCormick, F.N. Schrick, R.A. Dailey, P.E. Lewis and E.K. Inskeep. 2000. Association of PGF2a and estradiol-17b with function of induced corpora lutea and maintenance of pregnancy in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 78(1):889
Weems, C.W., Y.S. Weems, P.J. Bridges, L. Ching, D.L. Vincent, B.R. LeaMaster, and R.G. Sasser. 2000. Effect of an aromatase inhibitor, CGS 16949A, on secretion of estradiol-17b, pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB), progesterone, and prostaglandins E and F2a (PGE; PGF2a), in 90-day ovariectomized (OVX) pregnant ewes. Biol. Reprod. 62(1):380
Bridges, P.J., P.E. Lewis and E.K. Inskeep. 1999. Follicular dynamics, estrus and pregnancy after fixed time insemination in beef cows treated with intravaginal progesterone inserts and estradiol benzoate. J. Anim. Sci. 77(1):458
Weems, C., Y. Weems, P. Bridges, B. LeaMaster and D. Vincent. 1999. Effect of mifepristone (M) and/or PGF2a on 90 day ovariectomized (OVX) pregnant ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 77(1):477
Weems, C.W., Y.S. Weems, P.J. Bridges, B.R. LeaMaster and D.L. Vincent. 1998. Effect of trilostane on pregnancy and secretion of progesterone, estradiol-17b and prostaglandins E and F2a (PGE; PGF2a) on 90 day ovariectomized (OVX) pregnant ewes. Biol. Reprod. 58(1):164
Kim. L, Y. Weems, P. Bridges, B. LeaMaster, D. Vincent and C. Weems. 1998. Effects of indomethacin (INDO), LH, PGE2, trilostane (TRILO), mifepristone (MIFE), MER-25 or pregnancy on secretion of PGE, PGF2a and progesterone (P) by ovine corpora lutea (CL) of pregnancy or the estrous cycle. Biol. Reprod. 58(1):343
Bridges, P.J., Y.S. Weems, B.R. LeaMaster, R.G. Sasser, D.L. Vincent and C.W. Weems. 1997. Effect of PGF2a, estradiol-17b or tamoxifen on progesterone, pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB) and pregnancy status in 90 day pregnant ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 75(1):372
Weems, C., Y. Weems, P. Bridges, G. Sasser, B. LeaMaster and D. Vincent. 1997. Ovariectomy affects placental secretion of prostaglandins, steroids and proteins in ewes. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. 57(2):P55
Weems, Y., P. Bridges, G. Sasser, B. LeaMaster, D. Vincent and C. Weems. 1997. Estradiol-17b, indomethacin or tamoxifen affect placental function of ewes. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. 57(2):P56
Gene Expression Omnibus
Cerny, K.L. and P.J. Bridges. 2015. Estrogen receptor alpha (ESR1)-dependent regulation of the mouse oviduct. Accession # GSE72614.
Cerny, K.L., W.R. Burris, J.C. Matthews and P.J. Bridges. 2014. Neonatal testis transcriptome profiles differ among calves born to cows supplemented with different forms of dietary selenium throughout gestation. Accession #GSE62382.
Cerny, K.L., M. Van Fleet, A. Slepenkin, E.M. Peterson and P.J. Bridges. 2014. Differential expression of mRNA encoding cytokines and chemokines in the reproductive tract after infection of mice with Chlamydia trachomatis. Accession #GSE62461.
Matthews, J.C., R. Hegge, K.L. Cerny and P.J. Bridges. 2014. Pituitary gene expression profiles of growing beef steers grazing high versus low endophyte-infected tall fescue grass. Accession #GSE62570.
Cerny, K.L. and P.J. Bridges. 2014. Steroid-dependent regulation of bovine oviductal epithelial cells: a transcriptomal analysis of mRNA and miRNA. Accession # GSE63969.