Goat Discovery - Judging - Crossbred Market Goat Judging 1
Official Placing = 3-1-4-2
Cuts = 2-4-3
3-1-4-2 is my placing on this class of market goats. I found the class to break into a close top pair, a logical third and an easy bottom. Ideally my class winner could have been deeper bodied and stronger on his pasterns. Nonetheless it's still 3 over 1 in my initial pair as 3 was simply the most complete and proportionally balanced wether in the class. 3 was easily the freshest, bloomiest kid, in addition to being the heaviest muscled. He was squarer through his rack, thicker through his leg and was a boder sprung more open ribbed kid. Additionally he was a nicer balanced, taller fronted wether whose neck tied higher on his shoulders. These advantages should allow him to rail a carcass with more total pounds of retail product. I realize that 1 was deepter and fuller through his fore-rib and was stronger on his pasterns. However, this doesn't offset the fact that the red necked wether was low fronted, short necked and deep tying in his neck.
In reference to my intermediate pair it's still 1 over 4 as 1 more closely followed the pattern of my class winner in his muscularity. He was a stouter made, heavier boned kid who had more dimension down his top, was thicker through his hip and had more flair to his inner and outer leg. He should rail a carcass yielding more total pounds of leg and loin. I appreciate 4 for being a bigger framed, longer necked, more upstanding kid, however, I criticized the paint wether and left him thrid as he was fine boned and flat through his leg.
Nonetheless, I still preferred 4 over 2 in my concluding pair as 4 was a wider based, thicker chested, more powerful kid. Additionally he was a more stylish wether that was longer bodied and leveler rumped. When taken to the rail he should hang a carcass with more total pounds of high priced consumer preferred cuts. I appreciate that 2 was a taller fronted, longer necked kid. However, I criticized 2 and left him last as he was a steep rumped, sharp topped, narrow based, light muscled wether that when taken to the rail should hang the lowest yielding, least packer-preferred carcass in the class today.