Beef Cattle Discovery - Judging - Angus Yearling Heifers
Beef Cattle Discovery - Judging - Angus Yearling Heifers
Written Reasons
Angus Heifers Eric Schafer
My alignment of the Angus heifers is 3-2-4-1. In a close top pair of just more genuine brood cow prospects, I started with the stoutness and power found in 3. She is the bolder, deeper ribbed heifer that is set wider from hooks back and pins down. While still being angular off of both ends of her skeleton and moving about with comfort and flex. Now the look and maternal build is found in 2. She’s the smooth shouldered, flat jointed heifer that has the best profile. But she’s just too flat, narrow and one dimensional to compete with my class winner.
However, in the middle that’s just not the case. Not only does she hold more width and dimension from behind but she’s the heifer that is more maternal in her sweep from flank to forerib. While still being better in her blend from neck back through her shoulder and agile when on the go. Sure 4 does resemble her type and kind, and her structure and build will do just fine in the pasture. But she’s also the narrowest, flattest heifer of the trio that lacks the look or dimension needed to get into the top pair.
Still on bottom she’s just higher quality. Not only is she set leveler from hooks to pins, but she’s easily smoother and neater about her front ⅓ and far better from the profile. While being broodier through her center body and being more flexible up front. Now for what it’s worth, there is some added width and dimension found in one. But she’s just the plain, coarse and straight heifer in class that’s far too hard in her body type, bold in her shoulder and deep in her chest to get off bottom on my card.
Thank you