Lambing School
The dates for the University of Kentucky Lambing Schools are to be determined. There is no registration fee, but those planning to attend should contact Dr. Don Ely at 859-257-2717 or email at to indicate the date when you plan to attend.
If a maximum number of registrants for a specific date is reached, potential registrants may be asked to attend another date. Each school will be held at the C. Oran Little Research Center Sheep Unit, 1171 Midway Road, Versailles, Ky 40383.
Each school will begin at 10 am, with a break for lunch on your own from 12 to 1. The days instruction will conclude by 3 pm.
This school is designed for new and prospective sheep producers, although veteran producers are welcome. Topics of discussion, demonstration and hands-on include ewe management prior to, during, and after lambing. Greatest shepherding expertise is required during the first week after lambing, therefore attendees will have the opportunity to work with and learn from ewes that will be lambing at the Sheep Unit