Kristine Urschel

Last Revised: May 2nd, 2024
Professional Biography
Classes Taught
ASC 325: Animal Physiology
ASC 410G Equine Science
ASC 782 Macronutrient Metabolism in Domestic Animals
Research Skills and Training
- spectrophotometric assays for plasma metabolites
- HPLC analysis for plasma and tissue amino acid concentrations and hydrolysate samples
- radioisotope and stable isotope analysis and kinetics calculations
- Western blot procedures
- ELISA procedures, RT-PCR procedures
- aseptic technique
- jugular, femoral, cephalic and umbilical vein catheterization
- placement of gastric catheters; various suturing techniques
- necropsy procedures
- preparation of sterile elemental diets
- primed constant isotope infusions
- indicator amino acid oxidation studies
- breath sampling procedures in horses
- frequently sampled intravenous glucose tolerance tests
- hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp procedures.
Assistant Professor, Equine Science
University of Kentucky, Department of Animal and Food Science
August 1, 2008 - Current
60% research, 40% teaching
Studying protein and amino acid requirements and metabolism in horses of all ages and physiological states. Determining the factors that regulate muscle protein synthesis and how these factors change during the aging process.
Additional Information
Scholarships and Awards
American Society of Nutrition Procter and Gamble Graduate Student Oral Competition Winner
American Society of Nutrition- Experimental Animal Nutrition Research Interest Section Poster Competition Winner
2007 American Society of Nutrition- Energy and Macronutrient Metabolism Research Interest Section Abstract Competition Winner
2007 American Society of Nutrition Abstract Competition
2007 Banff Pork Seminar Graduate Student Competition- winner
2006 AFNS Graduate Student Travel Award
2006 Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Travel Award
2006 American Society of Nutrition (ASN) Abstract Competition; also selected as 1 of 12 finalists in the ASN Procter and Gamble Graduate Student oral competition
2005 Canadian Society of Animal Science, Graduate Student Oral Presentation, First Place
N/A Dean's Medal in Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Brennan, K.M., and K.L. Urschel. Recovery of insulin sensitivity in mature horses after a three-week course of dexamethasone therapy. Equine Veterinary Journal 46(6): 718-721, 2014.
Mastro, L.M., K.L. Urschel, and A.A. Adams. Effects of pars pituitary intermedia dysfunction on whole-body protein synthesis and mTOR signaling in aged horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 75(7): 658-667. 2014.
Tanner, S.L., A.L. Wagner, R.N. Digianantonio, P.A. Harris, J.T. Sylvester, and K.L. Urschel. Dietary crude protein intake influences rates of whole-body protein synthesis in weanling horses. Veterinary Journal 202(2): 236-243.
Urschel, K.L., J. Escobar, L.J. McCutcheon, and R.J. Geor. Effects of the rate of insulin infusion during euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp procedures on measures of insulin action in healthy, mature Thoroughbred mares. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 47:92-100, 2014.
Urschel, K.L., J. Escobar, L.J. McCutcheon, and R.J. Geor. Insulin infusion stimulates whole-body protein synthesis and activates the upstream and downstream effectors of mTOR signaling in the gluteus medius muscle of mature horses. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 47: 83-91, 2014.
Urschel, K.L., J. Escobar, L.J. McCutcheon, and R.J. Geor. 2011. Feeding a high protein diet following an 18-hour period of feed withholding increases mTOR-dependent signaling in skeletal muscle of mature horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research 72(2): 248-255.
Urschel KL, Rafii M, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. A multi-tracer stable isotope quantification of the effects of arginine intake on whole-body arginine metabolism in neonatal piglets. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 293(3): E811-E818, 2007.
Ball, RO, Urschel KL and Pencharz PB. Nutritional consequences of interspecies differences in arginine and lysine metabolism. J Nutr 137(6): 1626S-1641S, 2007.
Urschel KL, Evans AR, Wilkinson CW, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Parenterally-fed neonatal piglets have a low rate of endogenous arginine synthesis from circulating proline. J Nutr, 137(3): 601-606, 2007.
Urschel KL, Wilkinson CW, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Co-administration of ornithine and a-ketoglutarate is no more effective than ornithine alone as an arginine precursor in piglets enterally-fed an arginine-deficient diet. J Nutr, 137(1): 55-62, 2007.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Uwiera RRE, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Citrulline is an effective arginine precursor in enterally-fed neonatal piglets. J Nutr, 136(7):1806-1813, 2006.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Arginine synthesis does not occur during first-pass hepatic metabolism in the neonatal piglet. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 288(6): 1244-1251, 2005.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings Papers
Urschel KL, Rafii M, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. A multi-isotope approach to studying arginine metabolism in neonatal piglets. 2nd International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition, Vichy, France, September 9 –13, 2007. Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition. EAAP publication number 124: 243-244, 2007.
Urschel KL, Evans AR, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Infusion of Glucagon-like peptide 2 with an arginine deficient diet increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed neonatal piglets. Livestock Sci, 108(1-3): 41-44, 2007. (From the 10th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Denmark 2006)
Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Ornithine metabolism, but not arginine synthesis, is affected by the addition of ornithine to an arginine-deficient diet in enterally-fed piglets. Livestock Sci, 108(1-3): 137-141, 2007. (From the 10th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Denmark 2006)
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
Urschel KL, Evans AR, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Infusion of Glucagon-like peptide 2 with an arginine deficient diet increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed neonatal piglets. Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Vejle Denmark, May 25-27, 2006. 10th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Book of Abstracts: p.16, abstract #2.17.
Urschel KL, Evans AR, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Ornithine metabolism, but not arginine synthesis, is affected by the addition of ornithine to an arginine-deficient diet in enterally-fed piglets. Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Vejle Denmark, May 25-27, 2006. 10th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs, Book of Abstracts:p.82, abstract #4.03.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Bertolo RFP, Brunton JA, Wilkinson DL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. The role of first-pass splanchnic metabolism in endogenous arginine synthesis in the neonatal piglet. 26th Congress of ESPEN, Lisbon, Portugal, September 11-14, 2004. Clin Nutr 23(4): 819.
Non-Peer Reviewed Abstracts
Etz LC, Lambert NM, Sylvester JT, Urschel KL, and Staniar WB. Plasma amino acid concentrations in young Quarter Horses fed a graded dose of dietary leucine. Mid-Atlantic Nutrition Conference, Baltimore MD, March 23 – 24, 2011.
Urschel KL, Escobar J, McCutcheon LJ and Geor RJ. Effect of circulating insulin concentration on whole body and muscle protein metabolism in mature thoroughbred mares. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans LA, April 18 - 22, 2009. FASEB J. 23:Abstract #905.2
Urschel KL, Rafii M, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Whole-body nitric oxide synthesis is reduced in enterally-fed neonatal piglets receiving an arginine-deficient diet. Experimental Biology 2007, Washington DC, April 28 - May 2, 2007. FASEB J 21(6): Abstract # 354.1.
Pendlebury CD, Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Proline, in a commercial total parenteral nutrition solution, is inadequate in meeting the metabolic requirements of the parenterally-fed neonatal piglet. Experimental Biology 2007, Washington DC, April 28 –May 2, 2007. FASEB J21(6): Abstract # 540.2.
Urschel KL, Rafii M, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. The importance of proline as a precursor for arginine in piglets. Banff Pork Seminar, Banff AB, January 16 –19, 2007. Advances in Pork Production, 18: Abstract #15.
Pendlebury CD, Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Proline may be an indispensable amino acid in piglets experiencing gut atrophy. Banff Pork Seminar, Banff AB, January 16 –19, 2007. Advances in Pork Production, 18: Abstract #14.
Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. GLP-2 infusion increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed piglets receiving an arginine deficient diet. Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco CA, April 1-5, 2006. FASEB J 20(4): A424.
Urschel KL, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Intestinal atrophy decreases arginine synthesis in neonatal piglets. Banff Pork Seminar, Banff AB, January 17-20, 2006. Advances in Pork Production, 17: Abstract #16.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Uwiera R, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Citrulline synthesis limits whole-body arginine synthesis in piglets fed an arginine deficient diet. ASAS/ADSA/CSAS Joint Annual Meeting 2005, Cincinnati OH, July 24-28, 2005. J Anim Sci 83(Supp. 1) (J Dairy Sci 88 (Supp. 1)):206.
Shoveller AK, Urschel KL, Uwiera R, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Addition of citrulline to an arginine deficient diet improves whole-body arginine status as effectively as supplemental arginine in neonatal piglets. CFBS 48th Annual Meeting Program and Proceedings, Guelph ON, June 21- 24, 2005. Abstract T32, p 97.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Uwiera R, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Citrulline, but not proline or ornithine, is an effective precursor for arginine in enterally-fed neonatal piglets. Experimental Biology 2005, San Diego CA, April 2-6, 2005. FASEB J, 19(5): A976.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Uwiera R, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Citrulline is an effective precursor for arginine in the neonatal piglet. Banff Pork Seminar, Banff AB, January 18-21, 2005. Advances in Pork Production, 16: Abstract #5.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Arginine synthesis does not occur during first-pass hepatic metabolism in piglets. Proceedings of The Science of Changing Climates: Impact on Agriculture, Forestry and Wetlands, Canadian Society of Animal Science annual meeting, Edmonton AB, July 20-23, 2004. Abstract # GSO05.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. First-pass hepatic metabolism does not contribute to whole-body arginine synthesis in the neonatal piglet. Experimental Biology 2004, Washington DC, April 17-21, 2004. FASEB J, 18(4), Suppl., March 23, 2004: A545.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. Arginine is not synthesized during first-pass liver metabolism in the newborn piglet. Banff Pork Seminar, Banff AB, January 20-23, 2004. Advances in Pork Production, 15: Abstract #10.
Urschel KL, Shoveller AK, Pencharz PB and Ball RO. N-acetylcysteine is an available precursor of cysteine for protein synthesis in piglets receiving total parenteral nutrition. Experimental Biology 2003, San Diego CA, April 11-15, 2003. FASEB J, 17(4), Suppl., March 14, 2003: A736.
Scientific Conference Presentations
September 10, 2007: A multi-isotope approach to studying arginine metabolism in neonatal piglets. 2nd International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition; Vichy, France.
May 2, 2007: Whole-body nitric oxide synthesis is reduced in enterally-fed neonatal piglets receiving an arginine-deficient diet. Experimental Biology 2007; Washington DC, United States.
April 28, 2007: Whole-body nitric oxide synthesis is reduced in enterally-fed neonatal piglets receiving an arginine-deficient diet. Procter and Gamble Graduate Student Competition, Experimental Biology 2007; Washington DC, United States.
January 17, 2007: The importance of proline as a precursor for arginine in piglets. Banff Pork Seminar 2007; Banff, Canada.
May 27, 2006: Infusion of Glucagon-like peptide 2 with an arginine-deficient diet increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed neonatal piglets. 10th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology in Pigs; Veije, Denmark.
April 2, 2006: Intestinal GLP-2 infusion increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed piglets receiving an arginine deficient diet. Experimental Biology 2006; San Francisco, United States.
April 1, 2006: Intestinal GLP-2 infusion increases endogenous arginine synthesis in parenterally-fed piglets receiving an arginine deficient diet. Procter and Gamble Graduate Student Competition, Experimental Biology 2006; San Francisco, United States.
January 18, 2006: Intestinal atrophy decreases arginine synthesis in neonatal piglets. Banff Pork Seminar 2006; Banff, Canada.
July 26, 2005: Citrulline synthesis limits whole-body arginine synthesis in piglets fed an arginine deficient diet. CSAS graduate student competition, ASAS/ADSA/CSAS Joint Annual Meeting 2005; Cincinnati, United States.
April 4, 2005: Citrulline, but not proline or ornithine, is an effective precursor for arginine in enterally-fed neonatal piglets. Experimental Biology 2005; San Diego, United States.
July 22, 2004: Arginine synthesis does not occur during first-pass hepatic metabolism in piglets. CSAS graduate student competition, Canadian Society of Animal Science annual meeting 2004; Edmonton, Canada.
Other Research Publications
Digianantonio, R.N., A.L. Wagner, S.L. Tanner, R.B. Ennis, P.A. Harris, J.T. Sylvester, and K.L. Urschel. Postprandial changes in plasma free amino acids in weanling horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 31(5-6): 328-329, 2011.
Etz, L.C., N.M. Lambert, J.T. Sylvester, K.L. Urschel, and W.B. Staniar. Supplemental leucine’s influence on plasma glucose, insulin and amino acid responses in Quarter Horse yearlings. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 31(5-6): 248-249, 2011.
Tanner, S.L., A.L. Wagner, R.B. Ennis, and K.L. Urschel. Amino acid concentrations in late lactation mares’ milk. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 31(5-6): 267-268, 2011.
Wagner, A.L., R.B. Ennis, A. Betancourt, A.A. Adams, D.W. Horohov, and K.L. Urschel. The effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration on systemic and muscle inflammation in mature and aged horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 31(5-6): 295-296, 2011.
Brennan, K., D. Graugnard, T. Brewster-Barnes, M. Spry, A. Smith, and K. Urschel. Effects of a docosahexaenoic acid-rich algae supplement on insulin sensitivity in healthy, mature horses. Experimental Biology 2014, San Diego CA, April 26 – 30, 2014. FASEB J 28: Abstract #814.5.
Tanner, S., T. Barnes, K. Cybulak, and K.L. Urschel. Splanchnic extraction of phenylalanine in adult Thoroughbred mares fed two different levels of threonine. Joint Annual Meeting ADSA-ASAS-CSAS 2014, Kansas City MO, July 20 – 24, 2014. Abstract #1199.
Urschel, K.L., A.A. Adams, and L.M. Mastro. Activation of the signaling pathways regulating muscle protein synthesis and degradation in aged horses. Dorothy Russell Havemeyer Foundation Geriatric Workshop II and 3rd Equine Endocrine Summit, November 17 – 20, 2014, Middleburg VA, United States. p.40.
Williams, R.A., K.L. Urschel, R.E. Schaeffer, and K.M. Brennan. Effects of a docosahexaenoic acid-rich supplement on plasma amino acid levels in healthy, mature horses after prolonged treatment with dexamethasone. Joint Annual Meeting ADSA-ASAS-CSAS 2014, Kansas City MO, July 20 – 24, 2014. Abstract #1200.