Review Positioning of Cow Trainers in Tiestall Barns
Review Positioning of Cow Trainers in Tiestall Barns
- Trainers need to be adjusted for each cow and readjusted when cows are in heat.
- For Holsteins, trainers should be positioned 48 inches forward from the gutter curb in stalls 68-72 inches long. For Jerseys, trainers should be positioned at 42 inches from the gutter curb in stalls 62-66 inches long.
- Trainers should be positioned 2 inches above the chine during the 24-hour training period and then at 4 inches after the training period.
- The power supply should be grounded to a separate ground rod outside the barn and not to other stabling within the barn.
- Trainers should only be used as needed to positively adjust defecation behavior of cows.
Author: Donna M. Amaral-Phillips
Source: House, H.K. and N.G. Anderson. 2019. Maximizing Comfort in Tiestall Housing. Vet Clin Food Anim 35:77-91.