Feedstuff Discovery - Orchardgrass
Feedstuff Discovery - Orchardgrass
- Long-lived perennial bunchgrass that forms dense circular bunches.
- Can grow to heights of 2 to 4 feet in seed head stage.
- High quality, high yielding, palatable forage that is well-suited for use in mixtures with Alfalfa and Red Clover.
- Shade tolerant, moderately heat and cold resistant, but not tolerant of close cutting or continuous grazing.
- Annual yields = 2-4 tons DM/acre
Average Nutrient Content
- Ruminant TDN = 55-70%
- Crude Protein = 8-12%
Physical Description - bluish color leaves with leav veins less prominent than those for tall fescue; stems are flattened at base; leaves emerge along the midrib of the leaf folded in half.