Feedstuff Discovery - Red Clover
Feedstuff Discovery - Red Clover
Red Clover
- Widely adapted,high yielding, cool season perennial legume.
- Can grow to heights of 2 to 3 feet.
- Used as both a hay and pasture forage, usually in mixtures with Tall Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Timothy, or other cool season grasses.
- Best suited to regions with abundant rainfall.
- Has a shorter stand life than Alfalfa or White Clover.
- Disadvantages are the hay is dusty, and over-mature cuttings contain a fungus that causes animals to slobber.
- Annual yields = 2-5 tons DM/acre
Average Nutrient Content
- Ruminant TDN = 55-70%
- Crude Protein = 12-22%
Physical Description - erect, leafy plant with large leaves that almost always have a prominent V-shaped pattern or watermark on leaflets; very hairy, fleshy stems; pink flowers