Feedstuff Discovery - White (Ladino) Clover
Feedstuff Discovery - White (Ladino) Clover
White (Ladino) Clover
- Long-lived perennial cool season legume that spreads by stolons.
- Can grow to heights of 8 to 12 inches.
- Ladino is a taller growing type of white clover.
- Highly palatable and nutritious, it is used primarily as a pasture forage in mixtures with Kentucky Bluegrass or Tall Fescue.
- Disadvantage is the potential for bloat, especially in the spring and with thick, lush strands.
- Annual yields = 1-3 tons DM/acre
Average Nutrient Content
- Ruminant TDN = 60-70%
- Crude Protein = 15-28%
Physical Description - leafy plant with leaves that are shiny underneath and sometimes watermarked with a V-shaped pattern; stems often grooved; unlike red cover, no hairs on leaves and stems; white flowers.